April 3, 2024

Consumer Stories

New business offers something to smile about

There are more than a hundred orthodontists in the CSRA, but likely few are multilingual. Meet Dr. Daisy Oliveira who hails from Brazil and speaks English, Portuguese, and Spanish. “Dr. O,” as she is called around the office, opened MyFamily Braces in January and has already built a loyal following. “A lot of patients come to see me because they feel comfortable because I speak their language,” Dr. Oliveira explained. Building a relationship with patients is important to her and her staff, especially since so many people have a fear

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B2B Stories

Masters Week in the making: Here’s what’s happening in the CSRA

Days spent on the golf course watching some of the premier golfers in the world can turn into enjoying fine music at some of Augusta’s largest social events. Festivities kick off Saturday, April 6 with the Mayor’s Masters Reception at the Augusta Common at 836 Broad St. from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. It will feature live music, food, games for children and end with a fireworks display. The event is free to attend. Started in 1999 by then-Mayor Bob Young, it had originally always been held on Sundays. “Moving

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Consumer Stories

‘Late Night with the Devil’ brings us analog, anxiety, and A.I.

The new supernatural horror film “Late Night with the Devil” is a potential sleeper this spring, offering a dark, gore-y satire on the pitfalls of attaining fame. The film’s prologue takes us to 1977, when financial woes, political tensions, and cult frenzy seemed to fill the air – or at least the airwaves. We are introduced to a tape of the fictional late-night talk show Night Owls, hosted by Jack Delroy (played by David Dastmalchian). Jack has struggled over the years to compete with the ratings of Johnny Carson’s Tonight

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Consumer Stories

“PLAY BALL” with The Hyatt Agency

The Hyatt Agency, LLC www.thehyattagencyllc.com 706-343-8033 Call for a FREE quote today! Baseball will be back in full THIS FRIDAY at SRP Park. The Augusta GreenJackets take on the Columbia Fireflies for Opening Weekend going on April 5th-7th. For a second season, fans will enjoy “Thirsty Thursday” sponsored by The Hyatt Agency, LLC. Kevin Hyatt, owner of The Hyatt Agency, LLC, finds that the sponsorship, “shows how much we love our team that represents our community.” The Hyatt Agency, LLC’s Insurance offers a wide array of insurance options, specializing in

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