July 9, 2023

B2B Podcasting

SRP gets the ball rolling for CSRA businesses

If your business from small to large is looking for a lender, Bob Bigger, manager of SRP Commercial Lending and his team can help. Bigger was one of the guest speakers at ABD’s recent Business EXPO.

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International grocery store chain to close CSRA location this weekend

Jennifer Sparling has been a loyal Lidl shopper ever since the grocery store location opened in North Augusta in Sept. 2017. But now that the German retailer has announced it will close that location on Sunday, Sparling isn’t sure where she plans to buy coffee, bread, and other staples for her family. The store is located at 417 East Martintown Road. “I’ve always been a proponent of frugal living, so I love their reasonable prices, and they’ve helped to keep me and my family fed without struggle,” Sparling said. She

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Cyber Security

Hope for the best, plan for the worst

What would happen if your organization was hit with a catastrophic loss? Even though it may not be the most enjoyable process to think about, it’s good to go over the “what ifs” to protect your business should a catastrophic loss of data or physical location occur, whether it be a flood, fire, or hurricane. Do you have a plan should one of these natural disasters hit your business? To begin, my recommendation would be to start by asking yourself and your trusted co-workers, “How would we return to business

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