Real Talk Real Estate: Essential Home Maintenance Tips Everyone Should Know
Regular home maintenance is crucial for keeping your property in excellent condition and avoiding costly repairs down the line. Whether you’re a first-time homeowner, an experienced one, or renting a home, these practical tips will help you stay on top of essential tasks to maintain your properties’ best functionality. 1.

Best of Real Talk Real Estate: CSRA Real Estate Market Update: What’s Happening in Augusta and Surrounding Areas?
Editor’s Note: As we are winding down a new month in a new year, it seemed a great time to recap what has happened and what is on the horizon for the CSRA real estate market. If you’re following the real estate market in Augusta, GA, you know it’s been

Best of Real Talk Real Estate: Unlocking Real Estate Secrets: 3 Top Googled Questions Answered
We all do it, take all our questions about real estate to the infamous Google! Initially, they mostly revolve around the same topic everyone is curious about: “When is the housing market going to crash?” Frankly, I’m a bit tired of that one, so let’s talk about a few other

Real Talk Real Estate: Spring Into Action: Get Your Home Ready to Sell This Season
As the New Year unfolds, many homeowners begin considering their goals for the months ahead. If selling your home in the spring is on your to-do list, now is the perfect time to start preparing. The spring real estate market is one of the busiest of the year, and getting

Best of Real Talk Real Estate: Will Homes Finally Become Affordable in 2025?
Editor’s note: Welcome to a new year! Happy house hunting! As CSRA homeowners make changes after Helene and new potential homeowners move into the area, it seemed appropriate to repeat a column you might have missed about the potential of affordable homes in 2025. The question on everyone’s mind is

Best of Real Talk Real Estate: CSRA Real Estate Market Update: What’s Happening in Augusta and Surrounding Areas?
Publisher’s Note: A few months back, our resident Real Estate expert, Shawna Woodward looked into her crystal ball to share her insights on 2024. Here is the “best of” Real Talk Real Estate! If you’re following the real estate market in Augusta, GA, you know it’s been an eventful year.