Our Publisher

Our Promise

“We promise to help our members grow their companies by providing relevant business stories and profitable networking opportunities”
ABD Publisher/Editor Neil Gordon

Neil Gordon

Neil is our Publisher\Editor responsible for writing and curating business content from local reporters and other sources. He also runs the business side of ABD and appreciates any support local business leaders can give!

Neil founded the “Buzz on Biz” brand in 2005 and sold it to Morris Publishing Group in 2016. The intent was to replicate “Buzz” in other Morris newspaper markets until the Augusta media conglomerate sold its’ daily newspapers in 2017.

Gordon transitioned from Morris in early 2018 back into local marketing with a sense of “unfinished business.” After a brief stint helping the startup “The Augusta Press” with business reporting, sales and marketing, Gordon realized he still had the “fire in the belly” to launch another business media brand. This time, digital and social media will be the focus of the business news coverage—with daily “business minutes” on WGAC and monthly, networking events, and Bi-Annual Business Expos.
Neil began his local media career at News 12 and retired from daily news coverage at NBC 26 in 2002. Gordon’s helped more than 1,000 companies with various advertising projects through the years.

If you have a story idea or are interested in a marketing partnership, call Neil at 706.589.6727 or email neil@augustabusinessdaily.com.