ABD Membership has its Benefits

ABD Business Memberships Have Their Benefits

  • Are you a business owner, business executive or an individual in Columbia, Richmond, or Aiken county who would like to be more “in the know” about local business news?
  • If you’re a business owner, would you like to give an additional perk to your employees?
  • Or could you benefit from targeted advertising to CSRA businesses and/or individuals?
If you answered YES to at least one of these questions, ABD suggests you read on, find out the VALUES these three Membership Plans provide, and whether one of them might be right for you!
Our Basic Business Membership: for just $9.99/month (or $99.99/year), you will not only gain access to our M-F e-business-newsletter and FULL ACCESS to ALL website news articles, you also receive access to our Business Networking Calendar, which lets you know what business events are going on in our territory.  Finally, you will be invited to our monthly business networking events and/or Business Expos, which includes complimentary food and drinks!
Note: ABD’s monthly networking events (or Expos) are a Membership Benefit offered on a first come/first serve priority basis, based on the ABD Membership Plan. Gold members will be invited first and have first priority, followed by Bronze Members and then Basic Business Members.

Our Bronze Business Membership: for just $29.99/month (or $299.99/year), you get the benefits of the Basic Business membership PLUS a message on our e-newsletter about you and your business included in an upcoming Publisher’s Note PLUS a Listing in our Business Directory. 

Our Gold Business Membership: for just $59.99/month (or $599.99/year), you get the benefits of the BRONZE Membership and more. Boardroom Access at ABD’s Headquarters, 3 messages about your business on our enewsletter*, and “Featured Business” listing in our Business Directory. 

* NOTE: Our e-newsletter is our BEST “REAL ESTATE” for placing ads. We have over 18,000 subscribers with a 35% open rate.
ABD has been told that our Membership rates are quite low, and we realize that. We do expect our Membership rates to go up over time so if you are interested in becoming an ABD Business Member, you may want to pay for the annual rate to save money AND lock your cost in for a year!😊
Want a Membership Plan that offers MORE than our Gold Membership? If so, contact Neil Gordon at 706-589-6727.