Folks traveling through Augusta Regional Airport will see changes underway from the moment they turn into the main entrance off Doug Barnard Parkway. The sign that welcomes guests to the airport has been transformed with a new logo unveiled yesterday. The new logo will also be used to upgrade signage and for social media.
Airport Executive Director, Herbert Judon, Jr. said the new look is part of the growth and transformation underway at the airport.
“We’re at a transition and we’re doing so many things right now and this is just an opportunity to rebrand the airport. I want us to be recognizable and for people to connect this logo with the airport. But the logo in and of itself means nothing if there’s no action behind it. So, it’s a call for action for us as well,” he said.
Part of that action is a multi-million dollar project to expand the terminal building that is poised to begin. Overall, the project will cost $5 million with $3 million covered by a grant from the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill.
The project includes enclosing the east end of the terminal building where gates three and four are located. Those gates date back to when airlines servicing Augusta used propeller aircraft and passengers walked between the aircraft and the terminal building. The expansion will add approximately 2,000 square feet of enclosed space and cost about $2 million.
The other component of the project calls for two new boarding bridges that connect the building to the aircraft. The boarding bridges have been ordered and will arrive about the time the work on the building is finished.

Augusta Regional’s new logo is dominated by the letters “AGS,” which is the airport’s three-letter designation by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
It is also an abbreviation for an initiative the airport began several years ago, Advancing Growing Stronger. Under that campaign, the airport launched several projects, including improved baggage carousels and renovations to the restrooms.
The airport began in the 1940’s as a training base for pilots during World War II. When the war ended, it was recommissioned as a commercial airport.
Originally known as Bush Field, the name was changed to Augusta Regional Airport at Bush Field in 2000. The name was changed to highlight the airport’s commitment to the CSRA.
That commitment is also reflected in the new logo’s blue and green color scheme.
“The letter A, which is the lighter blue, represents our strong medical community. The color blue is associated with trust, credibility, calm, and focus. These are qualities that we attribute to our medical community partners,” Judon explained. “The green in our logo represents The Masters. But it is also a symbol of freshness, economic growth, energy, and success. The third color in our new logo is a darker color blue. And this blue represents our cyber community in the region. This blue represents trust, strength, and reliability.”
Judon said the old logo had run its course and it was time to rebrand for the airport’s future. His goal is to continue growing the airport’s current annual economic impact of almost $300 million while providing service to 500,000 passengers.
Terminal construction is expected to begin in midsummer this year. Target completion is in the first quarter of 2024.