Online Clearinghouse for Employers and Job Seekers

The Augusta Metro Chamber of Commerce provides an online resource to help businesses find employees, job seekers looking for work, and students planning their futures.

Talent2Work launched in May 2021 as a regional workforce solutions platform.

“It is a job marketplace platform that curates open positions, typically within about a 50-mile radius of Augusta-Richmond County. And it pulls from everything, from USAJOBS, Monster, Indeed, LinkedIn,” Angie Cox, President and CEO of the Chamber, explained for ABD.

Cox added it is also a tool local businesses and industries can use to create a profile to share their company information and open positions.

“Businesses maintain their own member business portal, any kind of key positions that they’re looking for. It’s a unique opportunity for businesses to have, with no investment. They can even link if there are special certifications that are required for a particular position. They can link that to Augusta Tech, Augusta University, or Paine College. It also provides what the opportunities may be for growth once you’re in that position.”

Among local companies currently using Talent2Work are Georgia Power and Savannah River Nuclear Solutions.

Cox said it is also a platform for local students to learn about opportunities in their own backyards.

“I think unless you have a family member that works in medical or works at Fort Eisenhower or works at SRS or works at a manufacturing facility like a Starbucks or an Aurubis or a Textron, or E-Z-GO, you don’t really know all of the opportunities that are available in your own backyard.”

Cox said schools are starting as early as middle school to help students learn what careers are available locally and how to prepare for them. By high school, they can begin to select a pathway that meshes with their interests, talents, and personality.

From its inception, Talent2Work has had four goals:

  • Serve as a customized geographical marketplace for job seekers and potential employers in the CSRA.
  • Enable regional employers to create a digital storefront to market career opportunities by using the system’s built-in career path resources to qualify prospective employees.
  • Enable regional employers to seamlessly engage with K-12 teachers, students, and other job seekers on industry skills and training and uptraining.
  • Provide a robust tool for K-12 students and all job seekers to attain soft skill credentials online, build out a career path plan in their careers of choice, and create visibility for themselves within the local job market.


Talent2Work is free for businesses, students, and job seekers. Its website provides a link to enroll, divided among businesses, schools, and individuals under age 18 and those over age 18. It welcomes training providers and workforce development agencies. It also offers online training classes and assistance with building a resume.

Cox said they are working to spread awareness of the Talent2Work website. There is a link on the Chamber’s home page. They also include it in the information they provide for new Chamber members.

More information is available at:

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