SRMC Donation to Educate Workforce

Savannah River Mission Completion (SRMC), the liquid waste contractor at the Savannah River Site (SRS) has donated $5,000 to the scholarship fund for the Augusta Technical College (ATC) Adult Education Program.

The donation will be used in the Adult Education Program to provide financial assistance to students who have to take the General Education Diploma (GED) test. GED testing is a computer-based high school equivalency exam. ATC offers in-person and online testing formats for people interested in attaining a GED diploma.

SRMC President and Program Manager, Dave Olson stated that a skilled and educated workforce reduces many concerns that companies face when they need to fill job openings.

The program at ATC prepares individuals for potential employment opportunities at SRS and other companies in the region. Acquiring a GED will expose program graduates to a plethora of job prospects, for which they would not otherwise be qualified.

Olson said his goal is to give students an opportunity to succeed, which includes providing financial assistance to complete the GED certification process.

Savannah River Mission Completion President and Program Manager, Dave Olson (left) presents a $5,000 scholarship donation to Augusta Technical College Dean of Adult Education, Angela Moseley and President, Dr. Jermaine Whirl to help fund the school’s Adult Education Program.

“ATC Adult Education Program graduates learn through life experiences that education is the key to success,” Olson said. “Imagine how difficult it must be for an adult to return to the classroom to complete high school. They will be better employees because they learned firsthand that the playing field is not level when competing against a more qualified candidate who possesses a diploma.”

ATC President, Jermaine Whirl said that SRMC has been very supportive of ATC and this program.

“There are always programs and projects that require additional funding and new ones that need to be implemented. That is why it is so important for ATC to have the backing of SRMC and the business community,” Whirl said.

SRMC comprises parent company BWX Technologies, Inc. with partners Amentum and Fluor. Its team brings the capabilities necessary to accelerate cleanup at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site through safe nuclear operations, optimized and integrated mission execution, and strong corporate governance.

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