Trash can cleaning company increases business fivefold

Drayton Oswald has more than quintupled his client base by buying out his competition.

Oswald launched Spic & Span Georgialina Cans in the spring of 2022. The company cleans outdoor trash cans and just bought Brighter Bins from Andrew Tyson and Chase Lord.

Oswald said Tyson and Lord, owners of MEGAH SoftWash, a pressure washing business, wanted to get out of the trash can cleaning business and offered to sell Brighter Bins to him. He declined to disclose the price he paid for the business.

“It wasn’t for them, I guess,” he said. “They’re just two completely different businesses.”

Oswald primarily cleans cans in Columbia County and Augusta. He has few customers in Aiken County because he has more competition there.

Oswald said so far, business is going well.

“We had a good spring and summer,” he said.

Oswald said the biggest challenge he’s faced has been letting people know they can have their trash cans cleaned.

“Getting it out there is the biggest hurdle,” he said.

Oswald, who currently has one employee, is about to get much busier. His customer list has grown from 140 to 760, so he may need to hire more help to serve these new customers.

For more information, visit

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