October 2, 2023

B2B Podcasting

Local healthcare leaders in the national spotlight

Becker’s Hospital Review is a publication that covers news about the medical field across the U.S. They recently zoomed in on Metro Augusta hospitals to highlight the achievements of two healthcare administrators. Mike Petchenik has more in today’s Biz Bits.

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B2B Stories

Only one bright spot in the job market

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released employment data for the Augusta Metropolitan Statistical Area last Thursday. Employment fell by 900 in August from July. The chart below shows the rollercoaster ride we have been on in the local area over the last year. Employment rose from August 2022 through November as the chain pulled the roller-coaster up the first hill. We then plummeted down the first drop, losing 3,000 jobs in two months. Another drop followed a mini recovery in February (just to make your stomach go queasy!). A long

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B2B Stories

The little kitchen that could…despite health crisis

There are many reasons restaurants or food service businesses face challenges and sometimes fail including lack of experience, not enough capital, or bad food and service. Not one of those applies to Jen Steller, owner of A Steller Kitchen. They’ve been voted as a Top Restaurant in Aiken. “I grew up cooking alongside my mother and grandmother. I wanted to follow my dream and open a restaurant,” Steller said. In 2018, she did just that. It’s a small place at 131 Silver Bluff Road. There are 4 tables for inside

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B2B Stories

Broad Street location of incubator announced soon

A partnership between Augusta’s Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and Augusta Technical College will create a space for business development. The microenterprise center will serve as an incubator for entrepreneurs and small business start-ups, as well as welcoming existing businesses to use the shared space. In a new blog post on the DDA website, consultant, Tara Wood outlined what will be available in the new center. “Temporary workspaces, meeting rooms, a commercial kitchen, technology equipment, and retail space will all be available to accelerator program participants. In addition, there will be

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B2B Stories

EXPO PREVIEW: Hargrove Inspections

Contact: John Boudreaux Phone: 706-860-0797 Website: Hargrove Inspections Address: 4820 Technology Drive, Ste. A, Martinez, GA 30907 Thorough home inspections are key to determining the condition of the major systems and components in the home and can uncover potentially life-threatening problems like mold or faulty wiring that could cause a significant fire. “Buying a home is one of life’s biggest investments. That’s where we come in, to educate the buyer. Inspections are a big part of the buying process,” says Hargrove Inspections owner and CEO, John Boudreaux. He has more

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