July 2, 2024

B2B Stories

The secrets to locating funding and capital resources

An upcoming summer webinar series sponsored by SC Competes, a division of the South Carolina Council on Competitiveness will show tech firms where to find financing. The CAP Carolina-2024 webinar series provides financing opportunities across a wide range of needs ranging from private to government funds. Jamie DeMent, Director of Technology and Cybersecurity Initiatives for SC Competes, told ABD the webinar series is the outgrowth of meetings with tech companies of all sizes across the Palmetto State. “One of the feedbacks that we were hearing was, as an entrepreneur, you

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B2B Stories

2024 Predictions Revisited: How Is It Going So Far? (Part 2)

In my column last week, we looked back at the predictions I made in December concerning the national and local economy for 2024. For the most part, those predictions have been pretty accurate, and I indicated that there is not much I would change about those predictions for the remainder of the year. https://augustabusinessdaily.com/2024-predictions-revisited-how-is-it-going-so-far-part-1/ In my December column, I also made predictions under the headings of “Managing Your Business/Trends in the Workplace” and “Business of Sports.” In today’s column, I will evaluate the predictions under those headings so far this

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Consumer Stories

The 4th will be with you if you are on the road

If you are taking a business break and hitting the road with the family this week, there is some good news ahead. The Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) is suspending lane closures on Georgia interstates and state routes for the upcoming July 4th holiday weekend. The suspension will begin at noon today, July 3, and continue until 10 p.m. on Sunday, July 7. During this period, construction-related lane closures will be on hold to facilitate smoother travel. Georgia DOT urges drivers to remain cautious, as crews may still be

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Consumer Stories

Burger restaurant completes major reno and re-opens

The food may not have changed, but Five Guys Burgers and Fries has a new vibe at their store on Washington Road in Evans. The franchisee tells ABD that the entire lighting package was changed along with customers enjoying new and more comfortable furniture in the dining room. Countertops are also new and customers will notice a big change in flooring. Tiles have been installed throughout the restaurant. Equipment-wise, some changes were made in the back of the house and the front, including the transition from regular soda fountain machines

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