Fri, July 26, 2024

A boost is coming to businesses seeking Georgia employees

Georgia’s nationally recognized workforce development programs are now offering a direct link between job seekers and employers.

The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) has launched an online Labor Exchange Platform (LEP) as part of the state’s WorkSource Georgia program, which is administered by TCSG’s Office of Workforce Development.

“By seamlessly connecting job seekers with employers, we are not just filling job vacancies, but are building a robust, skilled community ready to drive Georgia’s economic growth,” said TCSG Deputy Commissioner of Workforce Development, Karen Kirchler.

Georgia’s ability to provide a trained, skilled workforce was one of the items cited by Area Development when it announced Georgia as number one on its annual “Top States for Doing Business” report, the 10th year in a row Georgia has topped the list.

“Georgia sits atop the list of states with the best workforce training opportunities,” noted Area Development. “At the heart is the state’s Quick Start program. It’s offered through the Technical College System of Georgia and delivers customized training targeted at new and expanding businesses. Companies in manufacturing, biotechnology, information technology, and other sectors need tech-savvy workers with specific skills, and this program has helped attract those businesses to Georgia.”

Gov. Brian Kemp said the LEP will advance Georgia’s position in the forefront of skills development and career advancement.

“Georgia continues to meet the needs of both employees and job creators as we welcome the incredible job growth we’ve seen over the past several years,” said Kemp. “This innovative platform will help match members of our skilled workforce with opportunities for success in every corner of the state.”

The 22 colleges of the TCSG are part of a national trend with technical schools, sometimes called community colleges, leading in the training of skilled workers for in-demand fields.

A report from the American Association of Community Colleges, using data from 2019-2020 provided by the nation’s 1,071 degree-granting schools, determined the accumulated impact of alumni currently employed was $898.5 billion. That was an estimated 4.1% of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) and represents 10.7 million jobs. (

The report found that 9.8 million students were taking credit courses. That will provide $265.2 billion in increased earnings over their working lives. Taxpayers provided $51.3 billion of local, state, and federal funds to support the colleges and will see an estimated $331.7 billion in added tax revenue from students’ wages and increased output of businesses.

The report stated: “Savings to the public sector add another estimated $17.8 billion in benefits due to a reduced demand for government-funded social services in the U.S. For every tax dollar spent educating students attending the colleges, taxpayers will receive an average of $6.80 in return over the course of the students’ working lives. In other words, taxpayers enjoy an annual rate of return of 12.2%.

Georgia’s LEP will provide students in the TCSG’s schools with access to job listings, training resources, and career services. It will also serve as a portal for businesses to simplify job postings and facilitate connections with qualified job seekers.

“As Georgia celebrates its tenth consecutive year as the nation’s top state for business, this online platform plays a crucial role in aligning our workforce development efforts with the pace of our economic growth,” said TCSG Commissioner Greg Dozier. “The Labor Exchange Platform is more than just a job site; it’s a bridge connecting Georgia’s talented workforce with the numerous opportunities arising in the state.”

 Details about WorkSource Georgia’s Labor Exchange Platform are available at:

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