Free Access: Helping people who can’t help themselves
Michael Hall of the Aiken Tri-Development Center tells Neil Gordon about the passion for helping people that has kept him in his position for 26 years.
Michael Hall of the Aiken Tri-Development Center tells Neil Gordon about the passion for helping people that has kept him in his position for 26 years.
The world of human services changes constantly because we are supporting individuals whose needs change quite fluidly. We have seen many changes over the years, but Tri-Development Center has maintained a constant vision which has led us to develop many community group homes and day programs to help meet not only the needs of our individuals but the services they asked for and were seeking. We strive to ensure that individuals’ strengths and abilities are recognized and developed. People with disabilities are vital and integral members of our community. They
The Tri-Development Center is a community-based service that cares for and helps people with intellectual development disabilities integrate into society. In part 3 of an interview, Executive Director, Heather Waddell tells Neil Gordon how businesses and others in the community have been generous in supporting the center.
The Tri-Development Center is a community-based service that cares for and helps people with intellectual development disabilities integrate into society. In part 2 of an interview, Executive Director, Heather Waddell talks to Neil Gordon about the staffing shortage she is facing and some of the available positions.
The Tri-Development Center is a community-based service that cares for and helps people with intellectual development disabilities integrate into society. In part 1 of an interview, Executive Director, Heather Waddell tells Neil Gordon about the center’s mission and the need for caring and compassionate staff.