Beacon Bluff continues to grow, this time with a so-called healthy, but delicious option. Bowl Boss will hold a soft opening today at 2:00 p.m. at 210 Georgia Avenue, Suite 101. Their official Grand Opening will be held on Saturday, September 7.
What is a Boss Bowl? It’s a little bit of everything minus the guilt. The bowls look like sweet desserts, but they are packed with a combination of healthy fats, slow-burn carbs, satiating protein, fiber, and micronutrients.
Boss Bowls started at a farmer’s market booth in Upstate New York and has grown into a multi-unit franchise. This is their first foray into South Carolina.
As ABD has previously reported, the mixed-use facility development by Palmetto Peach is designed to serve as the linchpin connecting the Greeneway to the downtown corridor. Aside from restaurants, it will include apartments, offices, and retail space.
Bowl Boss joins Melty, a Utah-based franchise which features a variety of grilled cheese sandwiches, and an athletic lifestyle store, Fleet Feet.
Next up will be the addition of Brinkley’s Tavern on the Bluff. Brinkley’s Chophouse Executive Chef, Ed DeFelice, describes the coming Brinkley’s restaurant as a more casual atmosphere than the Chophouse. Their vision is to serve as North Augusta’s living room where you can watch your favorite games and enjoy a night out with some great food.
Editor’s Note:
Mitzi Oxford is a veteran broadcaster and features writer who also worked at the same television station in Columbus, Georgia as Augusta’s Brad Means! If you have a South Carolina story idea for Mitzi, please email her at