This Valentine’s Day, you can reach the heart of your staff and best customers through the power of music with a Singing Valentine from Garden City Chorus.
“I have been booking Singing Valentines for 10 years now,” says Dr. Emmanuel Ngoh, dentist at Augusta Endodontist Center off Wheeler Rd. Dr. Ngoh was gifted a Singing Valentine 10 years ago from a golfing buddy of his. They came to the office and sang for him and his staff. He said, “There wasn’t a dry eye in the building.”
After that experience, Dr. Ngoh decided that maybe he should branch out to spread the love to his referring offices. That is just what he did. In fact, one of the physicians reported back that one of his staff had “never had anyone sing for her before and it meant a whole lot to her, let alone receive a rose.”
What started to impress sweethearts on Valentine’s Day has transformed into a way of not only expressing your love in your personal life, but also in a professional setting.
With more than 61 years in existence, Garden City Chorus has been serenading the CSRA with beautiful music. This 30-man chorus is part of the Barbershop Harmony Society based in Nashville and regularly meets in North Augusta each week to practice.
Back in the 1990’s, the group introduced a special offering exclusively during this time of year called, “Singing Valentines.”
Two years into the program, John Phillips booked a Singing Valentine for his wife. The quartet came to his church’s Valentine’s Banquet to serenade her. The event was a success and according to Phillips, he made the lives of many of the husbands at his church a little tougher that day. In fact, the Singing Valentine made such an impact that Phillips went to the next practice for the Garden City Chorus and joined the organization.
In 2002, Phillips became the Director of the 30-man chorus. For Singing Valentines, they split the group up into 5-6 quartets to travel around the CSRA to spread joy throughout the area.
Over the years, the group has sung for many office staff. He says that he also has seen businesses book a Singing Valentine for referring offices and their staff. Singing Valentines is also a great way to show customer appreciation. When you book a basic Singing Valentine with Garden City Chorus, a barbershop quartet will come out and sing two love songs, provide a red rose, and a personalized note written by the business. Other packages are available. You can book directly on their website.
Bookings are accepted up until noon on February 13th to allow for preparing for the big day on Wednesday, February 14th. All Singing Valentines will take place on Valentine’s Day. Use the discount code ABD15 for a $15 off discount on your order.
Once you hear the Singing Valentine for yourself, you may do what Phillips did and want to join the group too.
The group is looking for an interested gentleman to join their chorus. They meet on Tuesday of each week in North Augusta from 7:15-9:45 pm. Each week, they hold a chapter meeting, as well as a rehearsal at North Augusta Church located at 600 W. Martintown Rd. If you would like to join, simply start coming to the meetings just as Phillips did. Not only is the group preparing for a big Valentine’s Day, but they are also preparing for the district contest in Chattanooga coming up in March, where they will compete with other groups.
Dr. Ngoh says, “I would pay triple what they charge for what you get.” Since the Chorus is made up of volunteers, you are getting folks that do this for a hobby and for what they love to do, so they give you their heart with every song.
Erin Campbell has worked in and around technology, media, and digital marketing in some aspects throughout her entire career. She loves being able to share that knowledge with you to help you succeed in business and in your career.
If you have ideas for technology in the workplace and how it can help you be more productive, send her an email at