Holidays take flight and a VIP landing at AGS

Before too long, the hustle of getting home for the holidays will make for busy days at Augusta Regional Airport.

Lauren Smith, Assistant Director of Marketing & Public Relations, told ABD there are a few things travelers should keep in mind. First, get to the airport early enough to find a parking space.

“We have, I guess, approached our capacity at times. So please give yourself enough time to find parking. We understand it is a challenge right now, and we are working on a parking lot expansion project that we will be announcing in the future,” she said. “If you’re able to check in with your airline online prior to coming out, please do so that helps with time.”

She said a safe rule of thumb during the peak travel season is to arrive at the airport 2 and ½ hours prior to your scheduled flight to allow for parking, check-in, and security screening.

At the airport, passengers arriving and departing can expect to get a helping hand from the airport’s PALs (Passenger Assistance Liaisons).

“Our PAL program has expanded,” explained Smith. “We have eight employees now who are here during the complete operating hours of the flights. And we also have recently started a shuttle service. Those are for early am and pm flights, basically during the dark hours. And we’re hoping to expand that as well.”

Travelers will be treated to music in the baggage claim area beginning Dec. 19. This year’s local talent performers will be Fred Williams, Adam Thompson Harris, Matthew Dahlheimer, Bill Karp, and Josephine Johnson.

The airport will also host a special guest on Dec. 19, 20 and 23. Santa will be in the main terminal each day from 9 to 11 a.m.

“We look forward to bringing these holiday amenities to our airport patrons.” Said Herbert L. Judon, Jr., Airport Executive Director, in a news release announcing Santa’s visit. “Holiday travel can, at times, be stressful so we hope these additions can help ease the tension. We are especially appreciative of Santa taking time out of his very busy schedule to be with us at Augusta Regional Airport. I encourage both airport patrons as well as non-travelling locals to come out to the airport and see him but be sure to be nice and not naughty.”

The airport is also holding its fourth annual sweepstakes to win roundtrip tickets to Washington, D.C.

“You have to fly through our American flight to receive those,” explained Smith. “That contest is open until midnight on the 19th, and we will draw the winner at 10 a.m. on the 20th via Facebook, live.”

“The Washington D.C. service is a very convenient and efficient flight from AGS, and we want to continue to highlight its attributes and promote its success,” said Judon.

Registrants must apply online at

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