Tue, April 16, 2024

Thoughts from the General: Managing in the electronic world

Perry M. Smith, Jr.

In the 4th edition of the book Rules and Tools for Leaders, there is a chapter that describes the opportunities and challenges of the electronic workspace.

Here are a few examples that may be helpful.


Batch your activities. Reserve one hour each morning and two hours each afternoon to focus totally on electronic and telephone interactions. Let your colleagues, clients, and friends know that you will be available electronically from 10 to 11 and from 3 to 5. Also, let them know that you will not be available electronically for the rest of the day and night except for real emergencies. During the hours when you are not batching, with very few exceptions, do not answer emails.

Discussions with others


Never, ever look at your phone or your computer while you are meeting with one person or with many. If in meetings, you answer calls or emails, you will not be giving folks your full attention. They will notice and reciprocate. They will not give you the full attention you require and expect. Ask folks that you are meeting with to turn off all electronic devices. Old-fashioned eye-to-eye contact with both parties listening intensely still works well.

Meetings without electronics allow you to give your full attention.

Responsivity cannot be delegated but authority can be. By delegating aggressively, you will not receive as many emails. Your associates will know they can decide on many issues on their own, so they will not have to check with you. Also, delegation helps build morale and trust – both ways. Finally, giving power away is important; not grabbing it back is even more important.

Respecting subordinates’ free time

Too many leaders send out emails at night and on weekends. In many cases, these leaders demand quick answers or action. This infringement on a subordinate’s sacred free time leads to dissension, distrust, and morale issues – not only for the employee but for their family as well. Over time, the performance of the organization will suffer and you may lose some of your best associates.

Please note that in addition to the chapter on the electronic workspace, Rules and Tools for Leaders contains chapters on hiring, firing, planning, decision-making, mentoring, self-discipline, non-profit management, and taking over. Also, there are chapters on dealing with failure, the media, bad bosses, and crises.

Each chapter includes a handy checklist. When you are about ready to give an associate bad news, the firing checklist can keep you from missing important steps. Similarly, since you probably don’t hire someone very often, the hiring checklist is also handy.

Perry Smith’s most recent book is Listen Up: Stories from Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, the Pentagon, and Beyond. In this book, there are nine flying stories, four media stories, six Pentagon stories, and three stories of Smith’s major failures. His email address is genpsmith@aol.com.

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