
Consumer Stories

New Store Offers Clothing and Grace

After much prayer, Teresa Cheek left her Human Resources career for a life in retail—with a purpose. Local Threads Aiken is now open in downtown Aiken on Laurens Street. They offer women’s clothing in a variety of sizes and fun colors. “I feel like beautiful clothes have a way of allowing women to feel good in their own skin,” said Cheek. Local Threads Aiken also offers an area for people to come in and write down their prayer needs or take prayers and pray for others. “I wanted to have something

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Consumer Stories

A Dadventure unlike any other

Editor’s note: When Wes Hennings contributes to ABD, the topic usually revolves around Working for the Weekends and where you can take your kids for some fun and games. Today’s Dadventure is different. It’s a lifesaving trip he takes with his daughter.  You’re never prepared for your child to receive a devastating diagnosis. But it’s news we received before our daughter was even born. She would live her life facing Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a disease that until just a few years ago, was almost always deadly before the age of

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Best of Faith Friday: A life transformed

Editor’s note: Steve Swanson passed away in March 2024. This “Best Of” column seemed most appropriate as Easter Sunday approaches this weekend. Steve often wrote about the sins of humanity being paid for by the death of Jesus and that his resurrection represents the anticipation believers can have in their own resurrection. This belief hits home for those recovering from addiction. Steve wrote this story shortly before he was diagnosed with cancer. Frank Currie is choosing to live his days with gratitude. He is at a place in his life

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Best of Faith Friday: Not Fighting Alone

No one who is battling cancer should ever try to walk through it alone. That is foundational for the people behind Cancer Support Services in Augusta. Cancer Support Services began back in 2004 and spells out its mission on their website this way, Cancer Support Services (CSS) assists cancer patients with their financial and emotional needs during treatment, including lodging and transportation services, to facilitate healing and create better outcomes.    Incorporated in 2004, Cancer Support Services serves men, women, and young cancer fighters and is a grassroots 501(c) 3 nonprofit

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Best of Faith Friday: Real Life in a Digital World

It’s a normal weekly thing now. During Sunday morning worship, as a part of a greeting or announcement, a staff member at church will acknowledge and welcome those who are joining the service for worship by watching online. It wasn’t that long ago that watching a service online was a rare thing. Now, it’s a regular weekly event for many. It’s super convenient and super easy. Hey, you can even watch in your favorite jammies! When we’re out of town, Susie and I will often engage with our church worship

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Faith Friday: Seasoned Saints

“God works in mysterious ways.” It’s a phrase that’s been around for a long time. This week, I’d like to introduce you to some folks who take God at his word. When they pray together, they expect to see answers! It’s Friday afternoon. In a modest house on a quiet street in a Seattle, Washington suburb. Cars slowly pull into a driveway. Each person is coming with intentionality, purpose, and expectation. This is a group meeting with one focus and one agenda. They’ve been gathering for about 15 years now

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Faith Friday: The Now and the Not Yet

It’s Friday afternoon and I’m sitting in my high school history class. Getting a little restless. The clock on the wall has no second hand and seems to move at a glacial speed. Clunk. Another minute passes and the minute hand moves to its new position. I glance out the second-story window and then look back to the front of the room where the teacher’s voice has taken on the persona of the teacher in the Peanuts cartoons. “Wah-Wah-Wah.” Will this class EVER end? It feels unlikely. Again, the clunk

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Faith Friday: Men of Augusta, it’s time!

“I’ve always said that if you reach the fathers, the men of the homes, you’ll reach the whole family.” That’s how my conversation began with Pastor Brad Whitt of Abilene Baptist Church in Martinez. Pastor Brad was kind enough to offer me a few minutes to talk about the Men of Augusta conference coming up next weekend March 1st and 2nd. Brad says Abilene has done a couple of men’s conferences, but years have come and gone since the last one took place. In praying about it last year, he

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Faith Friday: I Do…Recovery

When addiction invades a marriage, it affects and infects every part of the family and its dynamics. There was a time that nothing mattered to Eric Kennedy, except for the next high or drug-induced escape, even as a young boy. Eventually, he only drank to get drunk and pass out. Perhaps, drugs would then be added to the mix. There were sporadic moments of clarity…. but only very brief moments. Eric’s life is in a very different place now. Almost ten years ago, Eric and his new bride (his second

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Faith Friday: A life transformed

Frank Currie is choosing to live his days with gratitude. He is at a place in his life where he’s choosing to be a hope dealer for those who are battling drug addiction. He’s walked that painful road and seen firsthand the devastation resulting from choices he’s made and the impact and consequences of those choices. Last month, Frank celebrated eight years of sobriety. Drugs have been part of his life for a long time, and he was desperate for help. In 2011, he was sentenced to the Augusta Daily

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