Fri, July 26, 2024

Faith Friday: To Fill the air with His Praise

Steve Swanson is the former station manager of 88.3 WAFJ radio station in North Augusta.

She sits in a room by herself, with subdued lights, leaning in, praying, and anticipating the song’s conclusion. She is considering the words she’ll use to challenge, comfort, and encourage her listeners in the middle of their day. Her name is Debra Pearson, and the road she’s taken to sit behind a microphone with this opportunity has not been smooth or straight, but a series of many twists and turns.

Debra wears several hats that keep her days filled with activity. As ABD has reported, she owns a construction company, God’s Property, and recently landed her first DOT contract.

She also serves as a self-proclaimed “Minister to the streets” through hosting a midday radio show from noon to 3 each weekday on 1380AM, and 93.3FM.

Debra left New York state to come to this area searching for support from her family after the end of her 20-year marriage and the extreme pain of loss experienced after the death of her nearly 10-year-old daughter. At one point she was so despondent, and in such deep despair, that she no longer wanted to live. God had other plans!

A friend felt directed to come to Debra’s side during her darkest time and slowly, very slowly, things began to change as she got into the Bible in a powerful way. She personally wanted to know if God was real and if he was there for her. Debra opened her New King James Bible time and time again for 7 years of intense study. Along the way, God became more and more real. She personally learned that she could trust him to provide for her and guide her day by day.

“I worked behind a desk for 40 years. No one could have told me I would have been here as an on-air host at a radio station. I think the biggest thing I could tell people is to let go of tradition, of what you think you know, what people have told you you should know and how it is, and truly get into the Word of God,” she explained.

When asked what keeps her motivated to host her weekday radio show, Debra is quick to share a story.

“Every now and then I’ll be out, and someone will hear my voice, and they’ll stop. One gentleman told me he was at his lowest and was ready to go out. He said I went to yelling at him on the radio. He said, “You were talking directly to me!” Every now and then, the Holy Spirit will do that. On the air, I said “What are you doing giving up? Pull your pants up, pull yourself together.” He said he really was ready to end his life. So that’s why I’m glad to be mostly anonymous with this because this part of me on the radio truly belongs to God. I walk in the door to the station, and I surrender, so I can’t tell you what’s going to happen.”

When I asked Debra what she had learned following the devastating loss of her daughter, she said “We ought to live like we’re already there. And we’re already in the throne room worshiping. We are here, to prepare for there, and that’s how we should live. Yeah, we’re going to make mistakes because we war with the flesh daily, but he is so merciful, he said if you repent, once you come to yourself, repent and turn from your wicked ways. I was like everybody else; you couldn’t tell me God was real. Now that I’ve experienced him, I don’t care what anybody says.”

For those who are on their own personal spiritual journey. Debra suggests they grab a Bible and start reading the New Testament Book of Acts. “Read about the Acts of the Apostles, then talk to God and ask, are they real? Show me. “

It’s hard for Debra to see the believer’s compromise. “As I’ve gotten older, less of the world matters. I’m quiet until he tells me to talk. I stand still until he tells me to move and I fight when he tells me to fight. A lot of fighting is just standing.”

“I believe God trained me to be strong. Everything in my life has been training.” When I asked her what the future held, she simply said “I don’t know, I’m just happy to be here!”

Listen to Debra as she plays Gospel music each weekday. Middays with Debra Pearson from noon until 3 PM on WNRR Gospel 1380AM and 93.3FM.

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